2023 Greenworks AVAILABLE FOR ORDER: OptimusZ 60" 18kWh Ride-On Zero Turn Mower (CZ60R18X)



Key Features

New/Used New
Availability In Stock
LocationRichey & Clapper, Inc.
Stock # CZ60R18X
Condition Excellent

Product Features

Dealer Notes
This zero-turn ride-on mower model is available for order. Machines can ship quickly.
Cash-discounted price is shown. Prices are subject to change and do not reflect any set-up or freight charges.

Mass Save is offering a $3,500 mail-in rebate to Massachusetts commercial electric customers who purchase a Battery-Powered Professional Grade Lawnmower with >7,000 watt-hour battery capacity. To qualify, commercial electric customers must use Cape Light Compact, Eversource, National Grid, or Unitil for their electricity. NOTE: The Mass Save rebates are between the customer & the utility. Richey & Clapper does not complete or file any of the paperwork. For more information, visit: https://www.masssave.com/business/rebates-and-incentives/specialty-equipment/lawn-equipment

We have a demo available if you'd like to try the machine before making a purchase.

Call us at 978-443-1333 for more information.

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